蔡晨曦博士于2010年获英国里丁大学理学硕士学位主修食品科学, 2018年在加拿大曼尼托巴大学获得人类营养学博士学位,2018-2020年在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学的孕产后健康研究实验室从事博士后研究工作。2020年12月加入厦门大学公共卫生美高美集团。入选福建省高层次引进人才、厦门市高层次留学人才、厦门市高层次人才等。
主要研究方向为生命早期1000天的生活行为对母婴健康的影响。发表20余篇高水平国际论文,其中以第一作者/共同第一作者或通讯作者(12篇)发表成果于British Journal of Sports Medicine, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Free Radical Biology and Medicine等国际一流杂志。研究成果受到国际顶级期刊以及主流媒体关注并给予报道,包括BMJ News, 美国妇产科杂志,CTV, National Post, Reuters等。致力于将科研成果转化为临床指南,其中包括参与加拿大孕产后 24 小时运动指南的制定,以及受国际奥林匹克委员会邀请,至瑞士总部参与对精英运动员在怀孕、产后和育儿期间的国际政策的制定。
(2)国家自然科学基金(青年项目),全天24小时生活行为与肠道菌群互作对孕期胰岛素抵抗的影响机制,2022-2024, 主持,在研
(3)厦门大美高美集团长基金,生命早期1000天生活行为对代谢疾病发生的影响机制研究, 2022-2024, 主持,在研
1. Cai, C., Davenport M.H.(2022). Prenatal physical activity paradox: occupational versus leisure-time physical activity. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 56:365-366. (IF:18.473)
2. Cai, C., Busch, S., Wang, R., Sivak, A., & Davenport, M. H.(2022). Physical activity before and during pregnancy and maternal mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 309:393-403. (IF:6.533)
3. Cai, C., Zhang, Z., Mcdonald, S., Strom, C., Skow, R.J., May, L.E., Steinback, C.D., Davenport, M.H. (2021). Leisure-time physical activity before and during pregnancy is associated with improved insulin resistance in late pregnancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(9): 4413. (IF:4.614)
4. Cai, C., Sivak, A., Davenport, M.H. (2021). Effects of prenatal artificial sweeteners consumption on birth outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Health Nutrition. Jan:1-10. (IF:4.539)
5. Cai, C., Ruchat, S. M., Sivak, A., & Davenport, M. H. (2020). Prenatal exercise and cardiorespiratory health and fitness: a meta-analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 52(7):1538-1548. (IF: 6.289)
6. Zhang, Z., Taylor, L., Shommu, N., Ghosh, S., Reimer, R., Panaccione, R., Kaur, S., Hyun, J., Cai, C., Deehan, E., Hotte, N., Madsen, K., Raman, M. (2020). A diversified dietary pattern is associated with a balanced gut microbial composition of Faecalibacterium and Escherichia/Shigella in patients with Crohn’s disease in remission. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. jjaa084. (IF: 10.020)
7. Cai, C., Vandermeer, B., Khurana, R., Nerenberg, K., Featherstone, R., Sebastianski, M. and Davenport, M.H. (2019). The impact of occupational activities during pregnancy on pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 222(3), 224-238. (IF:10.693)
8. Cai, C., Vandermeer, B., Khurana, R., Nerenberg, K., Featherstone, R., Sebastianski, M. and Davenport, M.H. (2019). The impact of occupational shift work and working hours during pregnancy on health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 221(6), 563-576. (IF: 10.693)
9. Zhang Z., Mocanu, V., Cai, C., Dang, D., Slater, L., Deehan, E.C., Walter, J. and Madsen, K.L. (2019). Impact of fecal microbiota transplantation on obesity and metabolic syndrome- a systematic review. Nutrients. 11, 2291. (IF:6.706)
10. Cai, C., Zhang, Z., Morales, M., Wang, Y. and Friel, J. (2019). Feeding practice influences gut microbiome composition in very low birth weight preterm infants and the association with oxidative stress: A prospective cohort study. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 142, 146-154. (IF:8.101)
Cai,C., Friel,J.K., Qasem,W.A.. Infants: Transition from Breast to Bottle to Solids. In: Nutrition Guide for Physicians and Related Healthcare Professions. Springer (2022).